WAIV® Evaporation System
WAIV® is a proven technology in the desalination industry developed for the evaporation of high TDS brine. It has been adapted specifically for the evaporation of leachate and other industrial wastewaters and it has some serious adaptability based on it's capabilities and footprint
WAIV® creates a high density of wetted surface area within a very small footprint. Wind naturally passing through the sails causes intensified and rapid evaporation of large amounts of liquid + it's had a decade of testing. Now it's 96% predictable
How WAIV Works
Wastewater is Evaporated Without Mist and Is Amplified Exponentially
A WAIV® unit consists of a small framed structure (20X80) with a large number of specialized sails designed specifically for intense evaporation. The wastewater is distributed across the top of each sail where three natural forces act on the liquid:

Fully Automated System Distributes Liquids With Remote Monitoring Dashboard

Liquids are Automatically Pumped Through Irrigation System When Needed, Monitoring All Factors

Low to Zero Power Consumption + Very Simple Long-term O&M

Can be Designed to Have ZERO Discharge.
No POTW Needed

A WAIV® unit consists of a small framed structure with a large number of specialized sails designed specifically for this application. The wastewater is distributed across the top of each sail where three natural forces act on the liquid:
Gravity naturally pulls the liquid downward onto the sails.
Capillary action generated by the hydrophilic nature of the sail draws the liquid laterally and spreads it out across the large surface area.
Wind (even at slow speeds) naturally passing through the gaps in the sails causes intensified and rapid evaporation of large amounts of liquid.
WAIV is a Low to ZERO Energy Evaporation System With Little O&M
WAIV Benefits

A Rather Huge Advancement in Evaporation
Single WAIV Unit
Unit Features
Gen 2 Evaporates Between 800K - 2.2M GPY or 2000+ - 6000 GPD. We Predict Generation 3, Will Achieve 20 - 50% More Evaporation Volume, Working Smarter & at Night
One of the Simplest Evaporation Systems Available With the Lowest CPG Treatment Available
Incredibly Low Operations & Maintenance, Forever
WAIV Can Work on Any Site with Near Any Liquid
Scalable and Energy Efficient or Completely Solar Powered, Creating a Sustainable Evaporation Solution
Can be Moved Fairly Easily if Site Layouts Need to Change

WAIV Evaporating on Site

Size: 20 ft X 80 ft Structure
Area Required:
.15 Acre Total Footprint
.10 Acre per Additional Unit
Self Contained, No Leachate Hits Ground
Solar Power Available
Patented Sail Design
We have proven, predictive modelling based on your sites specifics and plug information into intuitive data & modelling. It's about 96% accurate, with safeguards in place to ensure meeting or exceeding leachate disposal targets, giving you complete control of your leachate and costs
Total Disposal and O&M Can be as Low as $.025 CPG​
Could WAIV be a Major Solution in Cost Savings Long Term for Your Site?
What types of Waste-water can WAIV process?
Pretty Much Any
What environments can WAIV work in?​
Pretty Much Any. We've tested in some challenging conditions. All modelling is done with data based on site criteria and modelled Pan Evaporation rate.
What about sites with Heavy Rainfall?​
A WAIV system is affected little by precipitation. The size is far smaller than a pond. Rain is one of the areas covered in predictive modelling.
What types of Waste-water can WAIV process?
Pretty Much Any. A quick analysis will tell us what's necessary. The tech was developed for high TDS brine so essentially it can take tough liquids.
How much liquid can a single WAIV unit evaporate?​
It's modular so you can do easy math multiples per unit. Dependant on site and Panevaporation modelling a single unit can evaporate between .8 and 2.2 million gallons per year or 2000 - 6000 gpd. Our newest models being tested in the market should increase rates by 20 - 50%.
Is there potential drift?​
No spray, no mists, no aerosols. Safeguards won't allow any leachate to hit the ground outside the capture area.
What about permitting?​
WAIV is a fundamental technology that is better and less risk adverse than most.. Systems are on footprint, spray nothing into the air and have sufficient soil and groundwater safeguards. LMS will meet with the regulators on your behalf. So far, few issues.
How to know what WAIV can do for your site?​
We plug in your data to our data modelling. That will tell us a safe range of annual evaporation and it's 96% accurate. You'll know out of the gate how much liquids you can evaporate and with our OPEX model you're risk is nil.
What does WAIV cost?​
A single unit cost ranges from $410 - $500K. Costs drop per additional unit. EPA rebates are available. CapEx, OpEx and Hybrid models are available depending on your situation. Ongoing O&M is very minimal where savings become substantial.
We Can Put Together a Site Predictability Analysis in Only a Couple of Hours to Show You What WAIV Will Do at Your Site.​